Emergency Checklists¶
Unexpected image feature¶
- Don’t alarm the subject!
- Re-acquire the scan. Changed?
- Run any diagnostics you are trained to run, e.g. acquire a different type of scan (such as MP-RAGE).
- Abandon the exam if the problem cannot be resolved. (Don’t alarm the subject!)
- Notify Ben/Rick/Miguel by email.
- Notify your PI to report the incident to CPHS.
Panicked subject¶
- Call for assistance if you want it.
- If threatened or assaulted, call UCPD (using lab phone ideally).
- Notify Ben/Rick/Miguel by email, text or phone.
- Notify your PI to report the incident to CPHS.
Magnetic object accident¶
- Life threatening? Quench the magnet!
- Serious injury or person trapped? Quench the magnet!
- If magnet quench is activated:
- Recover subject from magnet.
- Evacuate the building.
- Seek medical assistance – call UCPD or 911.
- If magnet quench is not activated:
- Consider not using the patient bed controls!
- Don’t risk moving the magnetic item!
- Seek assistance from Ben/Rick/Miguel.
- If possible, recover subject from magnet leaving magnetic item in place.
- Notify Ben/Rick/Miguel by email, text or phone.
- Pull the fire alarm!
- Retrieve subject from magnet.
- Evacuate the building.
- Only if it is a small fire and it is safe to attempt, consider using an extinguisher.
- Notify Ben/Rick/Miguel by text or phon5.
- Remain near the building for UCPD/Berkeley Fire Department.
- Take cover until shaking stops!
- Open the magnet room door, prop.
- Open the outer door, prop.
- Retrieve subject from magnet.
- Evacuate the building.
- If time/safety permits, leave a note describing the magnet status. Add your name and phone number to the note.
- Close outer door if you depart.
- Notify Ben/Rick/Miguel via email, text or phone of your evacuation.
Last update: May 11, 2021